The Town of Wasaga Beach has completed a Drainage Master Plan under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Master Planning Process (Phases 1 & 2) to identify the existing drainage deficiencies and develop drainage solutions to address the deficiencies, reduce flooding, resolve public safety concerns and improve maintenance opportunities throughout the Town. In accordance with Approach #2 of the Master Planning Process, the investigation, consultation and documentation completed for this Master Plan are consistent with the requirements for Schedule B projects. Schedule A, A+ and B projects have been recommended as part of the Preferred Solution. With Schedule A and A+ projects being pre-approved, this Notice of Completion pertains to the Schedule B projects.
Two (2) Public Information Centers (PICs) were held where the public and interested stakeholders could provide comment on the project details and the various physical, natural, social, cultural and economic impacts. Public and agency comments received have been considered as part of the selection of the Preferred Solutions. An Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been prepared that documents the study process and presents the Preferred Solutions.
By this notice, the Drainage Master Plan ESR is available for public review starting Monday, 13th January, 2025 at the following locations:
Hardcopy Digital
Town of Wasaga Beach – Public Works Click here for the digital copy
150 Westbury Road
Wasaga Beach, Ontario
L9Z 0C8
If you have questions or concerns related to the Preferred Solution recommended in the ESR, please contact Mark Taylor at the Town or Daniel Twigger, P.Eng. at Tatham Engineering Limited at the addresses below within 30 calendar days from the date of this Notice.
Mark Taylor, C.E.T. Daniel Twigger, P.Eng.
Project Coordinator Manager – Water Resources
Town of Wasaga Beach – Public Works Tatham Engineering Limited
150 Westbury Road 115 Sandford Fleming Drive, Suite 200
Wasaga Beach, Ontario Collingwood, Ontario
L9Z 0C8 L9Y 5A6
(705) 429-2540 ext. 2337 (705) 444-2565 ext. 2090
In addition, a request to the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order imposing additional conditions or requiring a comprehensive environmental assessment may be made on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights.
Requests should include your full name and contact information. Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested for what project(s) (additional conditions or a comprehensive environmental assessment), explain how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy potential adverse impacts, and can include any supporting information. The request should be sent by mail or email to:
Minister Conservation and Parks M7A 2J3 |
Director, Environmental Assessment Branch Conservation and Parks M4V 1P5 |
A duplicate copy of the request must also be forwarded to Mark Taylor at the Town, at the address provided above.
For more information on the section 16 order process, please visit:
If no requests are received, the Town, upon receipt of the necessary approvals, plans to proceed to implementation of the Schedule A, A+ and B projects recommended in the Drainage Master Plan through a phased approach, dependent on future budget approvals.
All personal information included in your request – such as name, address, telephone number and property location – is collected, under the authority of section 30 of the Environmental Assessment Act and is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public. As this information is collected for the purpose of a public record, the protection of personal information provided in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) does not apply (s.37). Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential.